Wednesday 9 April 2014


My kids love doughnuts.  Last year, I tried making doughnuts using two different recipes.  Give a try if you are interested.  :)

17 Oct 2013 (Recipe Source : Nasi Lemak Lover)

412g High protein flour
247ml Water
10g Instant dry yeast (about 2 tsp)

103g  High protein flour
41g Egg (about 1-2 eggs)
62g Sugar
10g Salt
15g Milk powder
62g Butter
26g Water
  1. Mix (A) ingredients and knead till smooth dough, set aside and rest for 1 hour or double in size.
  2. Mix (B) ingredients with dough (A), knead till elastic.
  3. Weight dough 60g each and shape it into a ball, set aside and rest for 10mins.
  4. Made a hole in the middle of the dough, and shape it like a donut shape.
  5. Fry in hot oil until golden brown, once done, immediately coat with sugar.

23 November 2013 (Recipe Source : My123favourites)

Ingredient A:  
340g high protein flour
160g low protein flour
80g castor sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp instant yeast
3 tsp milk powder
190 ml water

Ingredient B:
 90g butter

  1. Put ingredient A into a mixing bowl and mixed into rough dough.
  2. Add butter beat at medium speed till a elastic dough is formed.
  3. Shaped the dough round, put into a floured bowl and covered with plastic wrap. Let this rest for 40 minutes.
  4. For doughnut balls, divide dough into 50g each & shaped them round. 
  5. To make into doughnuts, roll dough into round shape.  Dip rolling pin into flour and press rolling pin into the middle of the round dough to make a hole.  Lightly floured a finger and dig into the doughnut hole and make it a little widen and neater. 
  6. When all of the doughnuts are shaped, cover with a plastic wrap.
  7. Heat up 2 cups of cooking oil, fry the doughnuts in batches till golden brown. Drain excess oil.
  8. To coat the doughnuts nicely, Get ready a big plastic bag, pour some icing sugar or castor sugar into the bag, drop 2-3 doughnuts into the bag and shake.

Nian Gao Rolls (1 Mar 14)

After seeing May Law's post on Nian Gao Rolls, I quickly bought a pack of popiah skin since I have nian gaos in the fridge.

Maybe I am a bit too slow in the wrapping because the skin cracks, making it difficult to wrap.  So, I ended up making only a small batch. :p

Nian Gao  (cut into 1cm x 10 cm strip)
 Popiah Skin (cut into required size)
1 Egg (beaten)

1. Place a strip of nian gao at the end of the popiah skin.
2. Apply beaten egg at all sides & roll up slowly pressing both sides tightly.
3. Deep fry in medium fire until golden brown.

Little boy helps with the brushing of eggs

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Homemade Muah Chee (9 Feb 14)

I made this back in February.  It was evening time and I just have to make something!This has been on my to do list for quite a while and I've bought packet of peanuts when I bookmarked it.
Easy Homemade Muah Chee
Recipe source: Angelia Chia

- 250g glutinous rice flour
- 100g fine sugar (can be reduced)
- 400g water 

- 140g ground peanut powder (I used ready-made available at most supermarkets)
- 60g fine sugar (or according to taste)

1) In a bowl, combine (A). Stir until well blended. Run mixture through a sieve once or twice to remove any possible lumps.

2) Pour into a 8-inch square or round tin.

3) Bring water in pan/wok to boil and lower tin into pan/wok. Cover pan/wok and steam mixture under high heat for 20 minutes until fully cooked.

4) In a deep plate, combine (B) and mix well.

5) When mixture is cooked, let the cooked dough cool before cutting stripes from the dough using a knife. Place the stripes of cooked dough into the peanut powder and sugar mix and cut them further into bite-size using a pair of kitchen scissors. Coat well and serve.

Monday 7 April 2014

5 Thousand Starter Dough Bread - 30 Mar 14

I've bookmarked this recipe after seeing Victoria's post.  Thereafter, I've been seeing a lot of other bakers baking this.  Finally, it's my turn!  But due to over baking, the supposedly soft buns were crusty and hard! Will definitely find time to try again.

I prepared my starter dough one day in advance.  This is how it looks like the next day.

My overnight starter dough.

5 Thousand Starter Dough Bread
Recipe taken from Victoria's blog

Starter dough
210g bread flour
90g cake flour
24g caster sugar
6g instant dry yeast
240g water
Main dough
210g bread flour
90g cake flour
96g caster sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
24g milk powder
90g egg
54g water
72g unsalted butter, softened
  1. Prepare a pan with base measuring 26.5 x 19.5cm, and top measuring 29.5 x 23cm. if you do not have this, you can use an 18cm square cake pan for this but utilising only 2/3 of the above recipe
  2. Mix all starter dough ingredients dough together and allow to sit in a warm environment to rise till it looks like “honeycomb”
  3. Mix the above with main dough ingredients except butter and knead till it is soft and non-sticky. incorporate butter and knead till it is shiny and pliable
  4. Allow dough to rise till it doubles in size
  5. After dough has risen, punch dough down and WITHOUT RESTING dough, divide it into 6 equal portions and roll each portion out into a 1m rope. please refer to the same site for shaping of the dough. for non chinese reading bloggers, basically, what you do after rolling out the rope, is to bring one end to the other. then using your left hand to secure the dough, twist the roll inwards twice, and then tuck it (the right ends) into the left side of the dough (where the hole is)
  6. Place shaped buns into oiled baking pan and allow to rise
  7. Bake in preheated oven of 180 degrees C on lower rack for 30 mins
  8. Once out of oven, brush rolls with melted butter

Assorted bread - before bake 

Assorted bread - after bake

Saturday 5 April 2014

Orange Chiffon Cake (CDM) - 5 April 2014

I came across a recipe almost similar to that of Yumsilicious.  The only difference was, cake flour was used instead of plain flour.  Since my previous try at cooked dough method was not that successful, I gave this a try.  And yes, it rise beautifully!  :)

Orange Chiffon Cake (CDM)
Recipe source : Bernice Kitchen

60g cake flour
55g fresh orange juice
50g corn oil
20g sugar
5 egg yolk

Zest of 2 oranges

5 egg whites
60g sugar

1 tsp cream of tartar

* make sure all the ingredients are at room temp.

  1. Preheat oven to 165C
  2. In a small pan, add orange juice, corn oil and 20g sugar, bring to the boil and remove from the heat. Constantly whisking them together.
  3. Sift the flour into the mixture, stirring constantly to form a soft paste. When the mixture is lukewarm, add in the egg yolks and mix well. Stir in orange zest.
  4. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites with cream of tartar until glossy. Slowly add in the sugar (60g), spoon by spoon until soft peak forms.
  5. Fold 1/3 of the egg white into the yolk-flour mixture to lighten the mixture. Then, gently fold the rest of the eggwhites into the yolk-flour mixture. be careful not to deflate the batter.
  6. Pour the batter into an ungreased tube pan. I baked mine for about 45-50mins.
  7. Take the cake out of the oven and invert the tin straightaway. Cool the cake in the pan completely.
  8. To release the cake: run a knife around the cake and gently release it from the tin.
I am sharing this post to the event, Little Thumbs Up April 2014 Event - Orange
organised by

 ** I've started a blog last Aug but struggling to maintain and update. That's the reason why it has been set as private till now... :P

Orange Chiffon Cake (Cooked Dough Method) - 18 Mar 2014

Pardon me for back dating my bakes...

This is my third attempt using cooked dough method, in fact, more than that coz I've used the same recipe in Dec 2012. Somehow, I just couldn't get it right. My first two chiffon collapse...

This round was better but some part of the cake did not rise fully.  Otherwise, the taste & texture of the cake is great!  Will definitely give it another try again!

Orange Chiffon Cake
Recipe Source : Yumsilicious

60g plain flour
55g fresh milk (I replaced it with orange juice)
50g corn oil
20g sugar
5 egg yolk
1 tbp vanilla paste
Zest of 2 lemon (I used zest of 2 oranges)
5 egg whites
60g sugar (extra)
A pinch of cream of tartar (optional)
* make sure all the ingredients are at room temp.
(1) Preheat oven to 165C
(2) In a small pan, add milk, corn oil and 20g sugar, bring to the boil and remove from the heat. Constantly whisk them together
(3) Sift the flour into the milk mixture, stirring constantly to form a soft paste. (See pic) – When the mixture is lukewarm, add in the egg yolks and mix well. Stir in lemon zest and vanilla.
(4) In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites with cream of tartar until glossy. Slowly add in the sugar (60g), spoon by spoon until soft peak forms.
(5) Fold 1/3 of the egg white into the yolk-flour mixture to lighten the mixture. Then, gently fold the rest of the eggwhites into the yolk-flour mixture. be careful not to deflate the batter.
(6) Pour the batter into an ungreased tube pan. Bake for about 30-35 mins. {Make sure to check after 30 mins – Mine took quite quick to cook through). Test with a toothpick – it should come out clean when the cake is done.
(7) Take the cake out of the oven and invert the tin straightaway. Cool the cake in the pan completely.
(8) To release the cake: run a knife around the cake and gently release it from the tin (the cake might collapse a bit).